Monday, December 22, 2014

Australia and Robots in Farming and Mining - Why Programming taught at Early Childhood necessary

Many might dislike the idea of Robots coming to take our jobs, especially Americans, who fear Robots will take away their menial jobs such as in the Fast Food Industry by 2017 as predicted in my blog article entitled “Fast Food Robot taking over by 2017 - How Drones like Amazon and PrimeAir and not Humanoid Robots will be the first Robots by 2015”.

But automation is a slow process and using Robots will be initially expensive, especially if the Robotic solution took time to research and develop. Any task that’s simple, repetitive and hazardous and involves just tracking large amounts of information accurately and moving goods from point A to point B is definitely up for Robotic Automation.

Enter the Robots of Australia, which are slowly taking over the country to do their simple, repetitive, hazardous from milking cows to Mining as stated in the article “Robot trucks do the jobs Australians shun”, published 18 November 2014, BBC News

There’s more to Robotics or Mechatronics as it’s called in Australia than their representation in the Movie Pacific Rim. Far from just being killers of Kaiju, in Australia, they’re becoming just as important as their role in the end-of-the-world disaster movie!

Australian Robotic Farmers – From removing weeds, checking on Fruit trees and Milking Cows
Australia's wild, untamed wilderness is huge, wild and dangerous. Many Australians, despite their wild beginnings as a nation, now live in relative comfort on the coastline. They shun the difficult and dangerous work of farming as well as Mining, preferring to do higher level jobs in a country that is mostly untamed desert that extends for thousands of miles.

Not to mention having a small population relative t the vast wilderness of Australia, which is a challenge even when it comes to interconnecting this nation’s Telecom Infrastructure, which requires novel thinking as noted in my blog article entitled “Telecom Providers and Australia - The Parent Trap Down Under”.

For that reason, Robots are slowly taking over farming jobs across Australia.  Prof Sukkarieh's has developed a giant Solar powered Robot called Ladybird that uses Image recognition to detect weeds and remove them. This does duty along with the Mantis, which is really a Robot that detects when trees are ready to bear fruit. 

Robots such as these were once oddities and curios are now seriously being considered for work on farm where there is a shortage of local labour which is being temporarily augmented with labour from the East Indian Islands and labourers from Thailand and mainland China.

But as it’s expensive and dangerous to work on these remote farms, the high cost of paying such labour means Robots, which can work for 24/7 at very low labour costs and never get tired, complain except when they need maintenance, are slowly looking to be the perfect fit for Australia's Labour Shortage.

Robots that milk Cows aren't such a novel concept, but it's still amazing to watch cost saunter up and be milked on their own. But what about Mining in Australia? Can the process of extracting ore be done by Robots that so far look very fragile and frail?

Robots in Mining – Robots and Drones needed along with Drone Pilots,  Supervisors and Engineers

In the initial stages, there will be need for Remote operators, as clearly these Robots can't work unsupervised. Australians will still working in such large mines owned by the many mining giants such as Rio Tinto...they just won't be lower level workers, says Head of Innovation at mining at Rio Tinto John McGagh.

Already, there's evidence of automation at the Australian Mines.

Most of the Trucks that carry ore are slowly being driven by semi-autonomous systems basically Robot and the same market that Mercedes-Benz is gunning for in 2017 with their self-Driving fleet of trucks as detailed in my blog article entitled “Mercedes-Benz Future Self-Driving Truck by 2017 – Robots promote Truck Drivers to Fleet Managers as Self-Driving Trucks more efficient”.

This means less manual labour and more Remote Operator of Trucks, Drilling Equiptment and Ore Crushing equiptment.  It also translates to increased saving in use of chemicals in ore extraction and most importantly Energy. Though it may be slivers of percentages saved in expenditure, it translates to billions of dollars over long timescales. Especially in Energy Usage, which Head of innovation at mining at Rio Tinto John McGagh claims already gobbles up 5% of the world’s Energy Production for Mining Activities just to satisfy China!

Undoubtedly, there is already a demand for Drone Pilots. A similar demand is expected in the US of A as the FAA (Federal Aviation Authority) is set to let Commercial Drone flights become a reality as noted in my blog article entitled “FAA to allow Commercial Drones in 2015 - US$100,000 per year for 100,000 Drone Pilot jobs for the next five years”.

Drones are probably being used in the mining to survey large swathes of land and do:

1.      Inventory tracking of equiptment
2.      Remote mapping
3.      Inspections
4.      Prospecting

Again, a similar comparisons can be drawn from BP (British Petroleum) use of Drone contractor AeroVironment to fly unmanned Drones over the Prudhoe Bay in Alaska for Oil Pipeline inspection and 3D Mapping as detailed in my blog article entitled “FAA to allow Commercial Drones in 2015 - US$100,000 per year for 100,000 Drone Pilot jobs for the next five years”.

Australia Training Robot Pilots – Programming from Early Childhood a necessary Skill for Future Pilots

Australia may thus already be training their children and University Graduates with the requisite skills to become Remote Operators of Robots and Drones, which are technically a type of Robot. New skills are needed, such as mechatronics, an amalgam of the skills of a Mechanical Engineer and Electronics Engineer skilled in the Maintenance of Robots.

This is already occurring from a very young age in Australia, with the Brisbane's School of the Future Mechatronics teacher Megan Hastie teaching children the Computer Programming skills necessary to pilot Robots remotely even as many of her students are themselves remotely taught.

This is amazingly similar to Jamaica's recent push in to training young girls in the art of Computer and Robotics programming as a follow-up Workshop of the successful Jamaican Girls Coding 2014 Summer Camp held in August 2014 as stated in my blog article entitled “Girls Who Code Clubs Christmas eCard Project - Workshop for Software Coding Females creating Evangelion Pilots passing on their knowledge”.

 But unlike in the US of A, where many are worried about Robots taking away their jobs, like any worker new on the Job, these Robots will need supervisors. Australia is rapidly embracing this reality of Robots doing that’s simple, repetitive and hazardous jobs for which no cheaper labour solution exists.

Robots, until they become AI (Artificially Intelligent), will need Australian Remote Operator, Maintenance Engineers and Drone Pilots to guide their work. Not to mention make sure that they don’t strike when they take their mandatory five (5) minute maintenance break!

Girls Who Code Clubs Christmas eCard Project - Workshop for Software Coding Females creating Evangelion Pilots passing on their knowledge

“So, these workshops are to keep them interested and to expose them to new techniques in coding and hopefully, over time, they can develop clubs and ultimately to get more young ladies coding”

Minister of State in the Ministry of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining, Hon. Julian Robinson explaining the Girls who Code Workshops held on Saturday November 15th and Saturday November 22nd 2014

Girls who Code is on the move with more workshops being held and coming in the future!

The Musson Foundation, at the prompting of JAMPRO (Jamaica Trade and Invest), has now come on board to teach twenty five (25) girls from ten (10) High schools in the Corporate area level Coding i.e. how to write computer programs as stated in the article “Gov’t Moves to Increase Girl Coders”, published November 25, 2014 By O. Rodger Hutchinson, The Jamaica Information Service.

During the workshop, a continuation of the Jamaican Girls Coding 2014 Summer Camp, the “young ladies” as State Minister in the Ministry of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining Julian Robinson calls them are being taught the following Coding Skills:

1.      Website Programming Languages
2.      Animation
3.      Smartphone App Design
4.      eCard Design

They've been joined by Halls of Learning, who are the ones providing the training at the workshops held on Saturday November 15th and Saturday November 22nd 2014. This training workshop was a follow up to the month-long Inaugural Jamaican Girls Coding 2014 Summer Camp held in August 2014 as mentioned in my blog article entitled “Jamaican Girls Coding 2014 - How Girls Who Code Club at MICO can earn females JA$100,000 per month as Computer Programmers”.

The hope is that by exposing females to computer programming, they'll realize that careers are possible in the soon-to-start ICT (Information Computer Technology) Sector and start programming clubs called Girls Who Code Clubs.

Support for this initiative was expressed best by Musson Foundation Deputy Chairman, Melanie Subratie, quote: “When these girls are in charge of their own coding clubs, we are hoping that these 10… will mushroom into 250 girls coding. So we’re looking forward to competitions, curricula, and for it to last long and be successful in the schools that it rolls out into. If can get these girls and they set up coding clubs in their schools, we will sponsor as many as we can, and in five years time, can you imagine the multiplier effect!”

Aged between  11 to 15 years, they are the first test pilots, Evangelion Style, for an ambitious drive to get females interested in high-paying jobs in the ICT Sector, which they might end up building as a pure Computer Programming and Software Design industry doesn’t really exist in Jamaica as explained in my blog article entitled “International Girls in ICT Day - How Women can jump-Start Jamaican ICT Industry from Call Centers, Telecom Providers and NDA's”.

So this is a step in the right direction, as females may be the ones who'll actually create the ICT Sector in the next five (5) years.

Girls Who Code Clubs eCard Project - Why females are best suited for Software Coding

Females are easier to train than males. They also tend to work better in groups on projects that have a structure, being as they are mainly Read/Write and Auditory learners i.e. learning by reading, writing and listening.

Rarely are females Kinesthetic or Visual, as on the MICO University College I’m yet to see any female taking an interest in doing the Pure Sciences as well as Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Courses.

It seems that the general predisposition of males as evidence by how well the TIS (Tablet in Schools) Project is working to keep their attention and increasing their participation in class as argued in my blog article entitled “TIS Project a Success with Boys - JA$9000 for Subsidized Tablets as TIS Project replaces 600,000 Students School Books with e-books come September 2015”.

Hopefully, being exposed to computer programming at this age will predispose them to choosing Computer Programming, Information Technology and possibly Networking as career options in the future. So says Musson Foundation Deputy Chairman, Melanie Subratie, quote: “The Government has really put Jamaica at the forefront of technology in education with this project, with the Tablets in Schools project, and Start­Up Jamaica. Jamaicans are incredibly creative and this can only help the country’s development”.

Developing a natural love for programming is also easier among females, being as they are very control-oriented in their view of their environment i.e. they like the idea that they can program thing to do what they want and how they want it. So says Founder of Halls of Learning, Marvin Hall, quote: “The level where they can now write a programme or develop an application that does something, that’s the level we want to get them to. Coding is what gives you command over the computer”.

But the TIS Project might spark their interest in designing content for Tablets in the future, now that they're getting the exposure to Tablets and they possess these new found programming skills:

1.      Animation
2.      Robotics
3.      Smartphone App Design
4.      Video Game Design
5.      Website Programming Languages

Of particular interest to females are the field of Animation, Video Game Design and Robotics.

All three are similar, in that Coding is required to instruct the software on how to manipulate the objects, be they sequential images (Animation), characters in a game based on feedback from the player (Video Game) or response to external stimuli through its various Sensors (Robotics).

These fields hold the potential for fairly large levels of remuneration, often as high as JA$100,000 per month and the potential for travel abroad. Females make excellent ambassadors for Jamaica's ICT Sector and gradually by formation of the Girls who Code clubs, it'll encourage their adoption of Coding as a career thereby encouraging other females to enter a field that gives them control over their environment, be it virtual or real.

Girls Who Code Clubs – Participants already passing on their knowledge

This year, the State Minister in the Ministry of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining Julian Robinson will select an eCard from among those being made by the girls to be sent out electronically as part of the Ministry's traditional. It's the ultimate expression of faith in the project, to quote the State Minister in the Ministry of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining Julian Robinson: “We will brand it as a ‘Girls who Code’ project”.

Already it seems to be taking rot with the females who’ve participated in the program. Grade seven student at Dunoon Park Technical High school, Aleeka Sherrington states that they've already started a Girls Who Code club at her high school, quote: “You can produce your own games and create your own movie. We have already formed a club at my school and we are now ready to start going through all the processes".

Her elder sister Nakeisha Rhoden, was so desirous to enter the program that she begged to join. She's evidence that females like the idea of manipulating and controlling their environment, quote: “The whole programme is very interesting as it shows you how to develop from scratch, movies, cards and other things. Without this programme an object on the computer can’t move unless you give it a command, it is so precise”.

But the real diamond in the rough, a grade seven student at the Merle Grove High School, Diamond Brown, has already become an evangelist for the Girls Who Code Project, already teaching her immediate family and may potential be their first President for the Club, quote: “It makes you learn how to build your own games and do animation and ecards. When I go back to school, I will teach my friends how to build their own games and do animation. I’ve already started to teach my family, my cousins in 8th and 7th grade and they like it”

I certainly like the sound of that. Hopefully too, there may also be a Girls Who Code Club being formed at the MICO University College to teach girls how to code, taking advantage of the e-Learning Lab that is already on Campus.

Apple supports PayPal for US and UK Item Purchases means Jamaicans can purchase Apple iPhones

Apple is getting ready to launch the Apple Watch come the First Quarter of 2015, which admittedly I've spoken little about on my blog.

That's because it doesn't exist officially, making conversations about its specs purely speculative, other than the fact that it'll be using Apple Pay, Apple's NFC (Near Field Communication) powered Mobile Money Platform as described in the article “Apple takes NFC Mainstream on iPhone 6: Apple Watch with Apple Pay”, published September 9, 2014 11:02 AM PDT, by Marguerite Reardon and Shara Tibken, CNET News.

So when it was recently announced that Apple was allowing US and UK residents to pay for Apple products using their PayPal accounts as reported in the article “Apple Store now lets you buy items via PayPal”, published December 12, 2014 8:01 AM PST by Lance Whitney, CNET News, I was a bit take aback.

After all, potentially, PayPal is a competitor in the same Mobile Money space, as their PayPal App can utilize the NFC chips on most Google Android smartphones and make them able to pay for goods and services. Apple is just merely better at marketing the concept.

Paypal attacks Apple Pay – Apple and Paypal kiss and make up as Fappening haunting Apple

Paypal didn’t like this and so took a stab at Apple Pay in an ad in the Monday September 15th 2014 publication of the San Francisco Chronicle, stating that they represented the American People by protecting their money better than how Apple Pay as reported in the article “Apple Pay is as safe as your selfies, says PayPal ad”, published September 15, 2014 12:48 PM PDT by Chris Matyszczyk, CNET News.

This was clearly a veiled reference to the Fappening incident which resulted in the selfies of several well-known Celebrities being leaked into cyberspace with many turning to flip phones for comfort as chronicled in my blog article entitled “Celebrities Return of the Flip Phones - Flip-Force Awakening Thanks to Fappening Herald Smaller Smartphones and Smartwatch phones”.

However, this seems to be more of a business relationship than competition on the Mobile Money front. Granted this is nothing new as PayPal has always been an option to purchase Apple iTunes and App Store content along with your Credit or prepaid Debit Card. It was the purchase of physics goods i.e. Apple iPhones, Apple iPads, etc, that were Credit Card only....until now.

Apple supports PayPal for item purchases - How Jamaicans can purchase Apple iPhones online

Another plus for Apple aficionados; Apple supports PayPal Credit with no interest. Effectively, that high priced Apple iPhone which Europeans love so much base on the stats from Kantar WorldpanelComTech presented in my blog article entitled “Kantar Worldpanel Stats say British and Europeans love Apple iPhone 6 - China growing as Consumer Intelligence Report confirms iPhone 6 Plus unnecessary” can be purchased in 8 monthly installments, even if it costs more than US$250.

As a Jamaican, now is a great time to get yourself a PayPal account and use your Scotia VISA Debit Card to verify your account as described in my Geezam blog article “How to use Scotia VISA Debit Card Online”. As a Jamaica, you can't load money unto your PayPal Account from your Prepaid Debit Card.

But you can setup a mini-Website with a PayPal button so that you can pay money to yourself to spend online as well as use to collect money from online transactions as described in my blog article entitled “Payoneer, the US based Prepaid MasterCard Debit Card - How E-Commerce MSME's, Online workers and Reggae or Dancehall Artiste can receive money via PayPal and spend it in Jamaica”.

As we're in Jamaica, buying Apple iTunes and App Store content with PayPal was always possible. Just log onto the internet using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) or a Proxy so that it appears that you're in America as explained in my blog article entitled “Surfing the Internet Anonymously using VPN - How to use Streaming Set Top Boxes over VPN”.

But with this option to purchase an Apple iPhone, you'll need to use a Courier in order to have a US address so that you can make purchases online as explained in my blog article entitled “How to purchase items and subscribe to Magazines online and ship them to Jamaica”.

Thus with the VPN to mask your location and a US address at which to receive your goods, the item will come to you like any item purchased via a Courier as described in my Geezam blog article entitled “How to ship things to Jamaica after you're purchase them online”.

So will PayPal in the future become a payment option to a Credit or Prepaid Debit Card as a source of funds for Apple Pay on your Apple Watch, especially as it is more secure? The First Quarter of 2015 in the Year of the Sheep may be when the Apple Watch goes live and all speculation is laid to rest.

FAA to allow Commercial Drones in 2015 - US$100,000 per year for 100,000 Drone Pilot jobs for the next five years

With the FAA (Federal Aviation Authority) set to make Commercial Drones a reality by 2015 as I’d reported in my blog article entitled  “FAA ok’s Drones for Hobbyist – Study to determine Commercial Drone Risk as Amazon, UPS and FedEx Drones get the Kibosh until 2015”, excitement has reached fever pitch.

And nowhere is that excitement more felt than among Airplane pilots, who potentially can make as much as US$50 per hour or US$100,000 per year as Drone pilots as reported in the article “Drone pilot wanted: Starting salary $100,000”, published November 25, 2014: 11:32 AM ET By Ben Rooney, CNN Money.

So says Director of the Center for Unmanned Aircraft Systems at the University of North Dakota, Al Palmer, whose university is now certifying Graduates for this burgeoning field with a Degree in operating and maintaining UAV (Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle) Systems.

Especially if Drones are to work in the cities to deliver packages to people living in apartments or who may be travelling. No surprise here; if US Army still needs pilots to fly Drones, then it stands to reason that pilots will be needed for commercial Drones as well.

FAA releases Commercial Drones - 100,000 Drone Pilot jobs for the next five years

The FAA is set to make regulations that will allow certain light-weight Drones to make commercial flights up to 400 feet. Most likely, these Drones will be flown by certified pilots or Registered Drone Operators working with large companies such as Amazon, Google and even Facebook.

Amazon will be using Drones to power their Amazon PrimeAir 30 minute Drone delivery service as I'd predicted in my blog article entitled “Amazon plans to launch Amazon PrimeAir, their 30 minute Drone Package Delivery Service for Amazon Prime users - Playing Catch-up as Mailpak launches DealBug in Jamaica”.

Expect competition for UPS and FedEx, both of whom have also expressed plans for the use of Drones for Delivery, albeit to reduce the cost of trans-shipments in-between its various Package Distribution Centers, also predicted in my blog article entitled “UPS and FedEx developing their Own Delivery Drones to compete with Amazon PrimeAir - Premium Rush Package Delivery Drones herald the coming of Google's Personal Androids that are Almost Human”.

Translation for the ordinary American: some 100,000 jobs for Drone Pilots for the next five (5) years. This despite the slow and steady of Semi-autonomous Drone Systems such as Project Wing being researched in the Australian Desert by the Google X Labs as stated in my blog article entitled “Google X Labs Project Wing - How to own a Global Satellite based Semi-Autonomous VTOL Drone Delivery Service”.

So despite fears of a Robot takeover, especially in the Fast Food biz by 2017 as predicted in my blog article entitled Fast Food Robot taking over by 2017 - How Drones like Amazon and PrimeAir and not Humanoid Robots will be the first Robots by 2015”, the fate of Drones seems largely human piloted for the next five (5) years.

After all, if during the annual UAV Challenge: Outback Rescue for the past seven (7) years a semi-autonomous Drone can't find Stranded Joe to bring him a bottle of water in the Australian outback of Kingaroy, north­east Australia as stated in the article “Can Drones get water to stranded”, published 26 November 2014 Last updated at 09:00 GMT, BBC News, then clearly Drones will need pilots.

GENeco Bio-Bus runs on Bio-Methane - How 10% of UK's Heating from Human Organic Waste Alone makes Shit worthwhile

“The bus is powered by people living in the local area, including quite possibly those on the bus itself”

GENeco spokesperson Mohammed Saddiq from GENeco, commenting on the GENeco Bio-Bus

If you’re one of those persons who believe that your shit is worth its weight gold, you may be on to something.

GENeco, a sewage processing plant company, has come up with an innovative way to process leftover food and sewage. They're decided to see in a one of a kind experiment to power a bus called the GENeco Bio-Bus using Bio-Methane as described in the article “This bus runs on human poop”, published November 24, 2014: 10:44 AM ET by Ivana Kottasova, CNN Money.

GENeco Bio-Bus is a 40-seater A4 Bus, no bigger than a typical JUTC Bus here in Jamaica, if it were to carry only seated passengers as noted in the article “All aboard the poop bus, now farting around the UK”, published 21 November 2014 6:30 pm GMT by Anthony Domanico, CNET News. GENeco Bio-Bus will ply the route between the Bristol airport and the historic town of Bath, a distance of 20km (12.4m).

They’ll potentially be carrying as many as 10,000 passengers per annum along this well trafficked route, as going to the Bristol Airport is a regular activity. Makes sense too, as Bio-Methane from the people of Bath is already being used to heat the homes of the very same residents.

UK and Bio-Methane - 10% of Britain's Heating from Human Organic Waste Alone makes shit worthwhile

Potentially, if the UK were to utilize all of its sewage to make Bio-Methane, it could supply up to 10% of UK's heating means, making faeces, the fancy name for shit, really worth its weight in gold!

According to GENeco:

1.      299.34 km (186 miles) is the distance the GENeco Bio-Bus can travel on a full tank of Bio-Methane
2.      59.55 miles (37 km) is the distance one persons annual waste i.e. organic material, faeces and urine can allow the bus to travel

Therefore according to these figures, to fill the tank of a GENeco Bio-Bus requires the annual waste of five (5) persons. This might sound inefficient, but remember that the annual waste of a UK resident will be stored in liquid form in huge Processing tanks at GENeco Sewage processing plant; potentially they could have hundreds of years worth of British Human waste stored.

And that's just human waste; cows and farm animals as well as organic material from plants i.e. grass cutting from lawns, gardens, etc and dead animals, can be harnessed and bio-digested into methane and carbon dioxide. So this is beginning to look more like say 50% of UK's heating needs, something the Gas companies are sure to like or dislike, depending on how they see the efficiency gains of Bio-Methane as well as keeping their Gas supplies domestic, so to speak.

Clearly this is a proof-of-concept that has huge potential, even though the News reporting doesn’t appear to take it quite so seriously.

GENeco Bio-Bus and Bio-Methane - Suitable replacement for LPG that can power Combustion Engines

The GENeco Bio-Bus' fuel, Bio-Methane Gas, is generated through the treatment of sewage. The bus' tanks are modified to a design similar to those used by vehicles that run on LPG as described in my Geezam blog article entitled “Auto LPG as a Motor Vehicle Fuel”.

Because Bio-Methane is a Gas, there is no need for a Fuel Filter or a Fuel Heater, albeit the fuel line will have an Air Filter instead as well as a pressure regulator for the detection of leaks. And no, the Bio-Methane doesn’t smell like what it was made of, that being fecal material and rotting organic matter, i.e. vegetables, meat, etc. Rather, it'll have a scent added to it similar to LPG Gasoline tanks that Jamaicans currently uses as to enable the detection of leaks, should it happen to leak of course.

Typical of any LPG Vehicle, the GENeco Bio-Bus' fuel engine will not only burn fuel more cleanly but also more efficiently. In fact, Bio-methane can be used in place of LPG and can potentially be used to make running public transport more efficient as argued in my blog article entitled “JUTC faced PAAC on Wedneday September 17th 2014 – JUTC Buses can’t run on ULSD as LPG Better for the JUTC Buses Fuel Injectors

The reductions in Greenhouse Gas emissions are significant when compared to the use of liquid fuels such as Gasoline and Diesel according to the article “UK's first 'poo bus' goes into service between Bristol and Bath”, published 20 November 2014, BBC News:

1.      90% reduction when compared to Gasoline
2.      30% reduction when compared to Diesel

The energy content of Bio-Methane makes is suitable enough to replace Gasoline or diesel without a noticeable decrease in mileage as noted in my blog article entitled “China: China to promote LNG in Public Transport”.

So far from being laughable, there is huge potential in using human, animal and organic waste to make Bio-fuel, particularly Bio-Methane!

Recycling Organic Waste - Jamaica's Bio-Fuel Revolution need GOJ support

As my article had pointed out, using LPG is more efficient. Using Bio-Methane appears to have similar benefits for the vehicle's engine. Already, here in Jamaica, we've made extensive usage of our biofuel, though not human waste but organic waste.

Research being done by Dr. Micheal Coley of the University of the West Indies in conjunction with the NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) YCWJ (Youth Crime Watch Jamaica) t convert waste Cooking Oil into bio-diesel as detailed in my blog article entitled UWI and YCWJ team up to Recycle Waste Cooking Oil - Yendi Phillipps on How to make National Bio-Diesel Production from Waste Cooking Oil Insidious Chapter 2” is but one example.

Chinese-owned Pan Caribbean Sugar Company has plans to use Bagasse, the leftover byproduct of sugar production to not only generate electricity but also to make biofuel for cars as noted in my blog article entitled “Pan Caribbean Sugar Company Ltd Bagasse Co-Generation and Biofuel Project - How Bagasse Biofuel along with Dr Michael Coley Cooking Oil Recycling Project can reduce Oil Bill”.

And that's just Cooking Oil and Bagasse. Potentially too, we can also recycle Old Car tyres to make Gasoline on as large scale as is already being done in the USA and St. Lucia and the Grenadines as described in my blog article entitled “St. Lucia’s SLSWMA to make Fuel from Tyres - Why is Jamaica not converting Tyres at Riverton City Dump into Fuel”.

In fact, using Solar Powered Vacuum Pyrolysis, you can convert any plastic, rubber or even ordinary Organic material into fuel as described in my blog article entitled “How to make Diesel and Gasoline from the Pyrolysis of Car Tyres and Plastics - Jamaican Riverton City Dump Fire Ecological Disaster solution that reduces Jamaica's Oil Bill”, with additional systems needed on this process to remove excess sulphur and Carbon for resale as a VAS (Value Added Service) from this process

GENeco Bio-Bus shows the potential of human shit an organic food waste. But we here in Jamaica can process virtually any organic waste into fuel as we generate tons of garbage daily, fuelling both our JUTC buses, motor vehicles as well as producing Cooking Gas.