Tuesday, April 29, 2014

How to make a Free Group Call in Skype as challenge to Google Plus Hangouts and WhatsApp

Common Sense, long thought missing from Microsoft’s Redmond, Virginia Headquarters, seems to have returned with the new Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella.

Microsoft has now turned their attention to Skype, with the introduction of Free Group Video Calls as reported “SKYPE GROUP VIDEO CALLS ARE NOW FREE FOR WINDOWS, MAC AND XBOX ONE USERS”, published April 28, 2014 By Konrad Krawczyk, DigitalTrends and “Microsoft begins rolling out free Skype group video calling”, published April 28, 2014 -- 13:29 GMT (06:29 PDT) by Mary Jo Foley, ZDNet.

This was officially announced on their Official Microsoft Blog and is available as of Sunday April 28th2014 for Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac, or Microsoft Xbox One users. 

I suspect the same must also be true for Skype Cloud, the name I call Skype used via a Browser with no software installed as described in my Geezam blog article entitled “Skype clocks 2 Billion Minutes per Day worth of VoIP Calls driven by the Mobile Computing Revolution

After having made Microsoft Office 365 available on the Apple iPad so that Microsoft can finally start making money from Microsoft Office as stated in my Geezam blog article entitled “Microsoft to introduce Office to Apple iPad on Thursday March 27th 2014”.

Skype’s now accessible via the Cloud, with a new Setup that allows you to access and use Skype in your Browser WITHOUT installing it on your computer. All you have to do is open a Microsoft Outlook and sign up for a free email account as pointed out in my Geezam blog article entitled “Skype-ing from your Browser now possible as WhatsApp conspires to kill International Calling”.

So with Google+ already doing Hangouts with Group Chats for Free, Microsoft realized that having customer’s pay for this feature since they had acquired the company back in July 2011 is pointless. 

They’d be driving away their 2 billion plus customers as pointed out in my Geezam blog article entitled “Skype clocks 2 Billion Minutes per Day worth of VoIP Calls driven by the Mobile Computing Revolution” from their service to Google+.

So lovers of Skype and Microsoft, celebrate the return of Compendium Consensus Reality aka Common Sense back to Microsoft with the arrival of Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella.

How to make a Free Group Call in Skype – Google+ now officially a Ghost Town Again

So how do you make Free Group Video Calls in Skype? First, watch the informative video below::

Follow these simple instructions as listed in “HOW TO MAKE A SKYPE GROUP VIDEO CALL FOR FREE”, published April 28, 2014 by Konrad Krawczyk, Digitaltrends and you’re all set:

1.      Open Skype on Windows, Mac, or Xbox One
2.      Select one of the people for your Group Call
3.      Click the + or Plus menu to the right of your friend’s list
4.      Click Add People
5.      Click in the pop-up list labeled Choose contacts
6.      Choose who you want to have in your Group Call
7.      Click Select to add them, using Remove to remove unwanted members of the Group Call
8.      Click Add once you've added all people to your Group call
9.      Click on Video Call button to initiate the Video Call

Note that you can also add anyone even if not in your contacts list by typing their phone number in the Search field in the Choose contacts pop-up menu.  With this feature now free from a Premium Skype Account, Microsoft can face whatever comes from WhatsApp by June 2014!

I’ve predicted this will be Free VoIP Calling with a Premium VoIP Video Calling moneymaker as prophesied in my blog article entitled “WhatsApp VoIP Calling in Second Quarter of 2014 - WhatsApp kills International Calling at the Advent of Facetime-eqsue Premium Video VoIP Calling on smartphones”.

Let’s hope that Microsoft will eventually roll out this Free Group Calling Feature to smartphones as well by that time!

Here’s the link:

How to make Chocolate Syrup that Glows-in-the-Dark, the ultimate Ice Cream Party Treat

If you loved my Glow-in-the-Dark Painted Easter Eggs, a tradition borrowed from Ukraine and Russia which I’ve adopted as a hobby as noted in my blog article entitled “How to make Glow-in-the-Dark Etched Easter Eggs - Russian Tradition with a Modern Jamaican Twist makes Katy Perry Roar”, then you’re gonna love this next project: Glow-in-the-Dark Chocolate Syrup.

I’ve decided to pen this very short how-to as I realized many Jamaicans don’t realize that Cocoa Powder is really Chocolate, plain and simple!

In fact, it is the basis behind the Chocolate Factory set up by Mount Pleasant Chocolatiers in Bull Bay, St. Thomas to make Chocolate as described in my blog article entitled “Mount Pleasant Chocolatiers Averell French making Chocolate - Master Architect is Jamaica's sole Chocolatier with Chocolate delights to resurrect Jamaica's Candy Industry”.  

They merely collect the Cocoa Pods, cut them open and extract the beans and then sun-dry them for seven (7) days. The Coco Beans are then cleaned, roasted, and graded. The shell of each Coco Bean is then removed to extract the nib, which is ground and liquefied, to make raw Chocolate. The mixture is already Chocolate, but can be dehydrated via Vacuum Evaporation to produce Chocolate liqueur, a thicker more viscous form of chocolate that hardens when cooled.

This Chocolate Liquer is then heated in non stick ceramic or stainless Vat and recombined with other ingredients to make Chocolate in any shape or size, similar to making Candy as described in my blog article entitled “Sweetie Confectionery CEO Patria-Kaye Aarons to launch Jamaican Flavoured Candy - May the Force be with the Weather Presenter as it's Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs”.

Cocoa Powder, such as Lasco Instant Chocolate mix with Nutmeg flavor, can therefore be used as a base to make Chocolate Syrup. Even better, you can combine the knowledge you’ve learned from Glow-in-the-Dark Painted Russian Easter Eggs to make Glow-in-the-Dark Chocolate Syrup!

Home-made Chocolate Syrup is better – Say No to HFCS, HSCS and Aspartame Poisoning of Children

Why make Chocolate Syrup?

Well, just like that thing that CEO of Sweetie Confectionary Patria Kaye-Aarons God-Daughter noticed about sweets, I’ve noticed it as well when I go shopping at Hi-Lo in Cross Roads. I’ve noticed that a lot of American products in the store just aren’t Jamaican and are in fact loaded with fillers. By “Fillers” I’m referring to artificial ingredients such as HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup), HSCS (High Sucrose Corn Syrup) and even Aspartame in some cases. 

Despite what their Labels say, these are not Sugars, but rather artificial Sweeteners that add sweetness but have no nutritional Value. They are used in Soft Drinks and Sodas to make them Sweet because they’re cheaper than the real Brown Sugar made in Third World Countries.

HFCS, HSCS and Aspartame, despite being approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), aren’t suitable for human consumption. In fact, they actually poisonous toxins, especially Aspartame, as they merely impart flavours to food. But as they have no nutritional value, they basically are passed out of the body as waste product. 

But some of it manages to be absorbed by the body as it mimics the Sucrose and Fructose that it replaces, deceiving the body into trying to process them as energy storage units for ADP (Adenosine DiPhosphate) and ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate)….with dangerous side effects on children.

These artificial sweeteners are known to have dangerous side effects as pointed out in my blog article entitled “Sweetie Confectionery CEO Patria-Kaye Aarons to launch Jamaican Flavoured Candy - May the Force be with the Weather Presenter as it's Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs” and are as listed in the graphics presented in this article. Some Candy is even made with the leftover cartilage from Cattle production, making them dangerous for children to consume, such as Gummy Bears and Gummy Worms!

So it’s you’re funeral! Either buy American products that use HFCS, HSCS and Aspartame and can cause you to experience the above symptoms or go all-natural by making the products you enjoy yourself from scratch.

While you’re at it, starting a Hydroponics Roof Garden using those old Plastic or Glass Bottles to grow your own vegetables as detailed in my blog article entitled “How to Cut Glass Bottles and make your own Rooftop Garden made up of Wick-Based Hydroponic Gardening System - More uses for the Distilled Water from the Fresnel based Solar Desalinator” isn’t a bad idea, especially as Monsanto makes a lot of the seeds that Farmers use. More on that in another article!

How to make Glow-in-the-Dark Chocolate Syrup – All Natural sweeteners with all the Calories

First, for this DIY (Do It Yourself), start gathering the following ingredients. And while you’re at it, get a pack of Devon Chocolate Biscuits and a Glass of Guava-Pineapple Drink made using the Turbo Drink mix, as that’ll be absolutely necessary in the thinking process to make this recipe work.

Then gather the following ingredients:

1.      1 Cup Brown Sugar or Molasses
2.      1 Cup Cocoa
3.      1/2 Teaspoon salt
4.      1 Tablespoon Vanilla
5.      1 Tablespoon Honey
6.      1 Cup of Distilled Water
7.      2 Bottle Schweppes Tonic Water
8.      Grate a whole Nutmeg
9.      Stainless Steel or Ceramic Non-Stick Pot
10.  Hand Blender or Metal Whisk
11.  Gloves
12.  Gas Stove
13.  Ceramic Mixing Bowl
14.  Wooden Spoon
15.  Metal Spoon for Testing Chocolate Syrup
16.  UV Lamp

The steps to making the Glow-in-the-Dark Chocolate Syrup are as follows:

1.      Mix the Water and the 1 Cup of Distilled Water and the 1 Bottle Schweppes Tonic Water in the Stainless Steel or Ceramic Non-Stick Pot
2.      Place all the other ingredients in the Ceramic Mixing Bowl
3.      Mix them together thoroughly with the Wooden Spoon for 10 minutes
4.      Place the Stainless Steel or Ceramic Non-Stick Pot on the Gas Stove and heat
5.      When water is close to boiling, add the ingredients, using some of the hot liquid to wash the rest out of the Ceramic Mixing Bowl
6.      While the Stainless Steel or Ceramic Non-Stick Pot is on high heat, mix thoroughly with a Hand Blender or Metal Whisk
7.      Whisk while on High Heat until the Chocolate Syrup is thick and coats a Metal Spoon
8.      Add more of each ingredient to achieve the desired Taste
9.      After it reaches this level of taste and thickness, before it cools and hardens pour it into the Glass Mason Jars and Seal tightly
10.  You can then refrigerate them when they reach room temperature
11.  Add a small amount of the Schweppes Tonic Water to the cooled Chocolate Syrup so it doesn’t harden and to improve its Glow-in-the-Dark properties  
12.  When serving the Chocolate Syrup, make sure the UV Lamp is shining so that the Chocolate Syrup glows in the dark

So there you have if folks! Glow-in-the-Dark Chocolate Syrup, an ability that’s imparted via the addition of the Schweppes Tonic Water, which has Quinine, an edible photo-luminescent food substance  i.e. glows for while when UV light shines on it. You can also add Food Colouring to get other colours from Quinine, which normally glows with a Neon Green Colour when exposed to UV Lamps!

Makes for a great fun way to make Chocolate Milk that will delight your children due to the fact that when they’ve finished drinking their Chocolate Milk, eating Glow-in-the-Dark Ice Cream or Eating Pancakes with Chocolate Syrup, the dishes glow in the Dark! Thanks to the loads of Natural Sugar in the drink, they won’t even notice the bitter taste of the Quinine which helps to balance the sweetness with a pinch of sour!

As for those Devon Chocolate Biscuits and a Glass of Guava-Pineapple Drink made using the Turbo Drink mix, you can dunk them in your glow-in-the-dark Chocolate Syrup!


You can also add THC (Tetra Hydro Cannabinol) extract to your Glow-in-the-Dark Chocolate Syrup as described in my blog article entitled “Ras Puddler says Legalization of Marijuana benefits large Scale Growers - How Teenagers can Learn to Extract THC for personal Use to make Chocolate Cookie, Brownies and Sorrell Cake for Christmas” to add that heavenly, out-of-body feeling whenever you use it.

But makes sure to keep that one out of the reach of your kids!

AT&T launching 4G LTE powered Wi-Fi and expanding AT&T U-Verse - AT&T offensive as Google sprouts 1 Gigabit IEEE 802.11ac Wi-Fi Protocol as Jamaica catches up

“Everyone wants access to high-speed, reliable mobile Internet wherever they are, including at 5,000 feet. We are building on AT&T's significant strengths to develop in-flight connectivity technology unlike any other that exists today, based on 4G LTE standards. We believe this will enable airlines and passengers to benefit from reliable high speeds and a better experience. We expect this service to transform connectivity in the aviation industry -- we are truly mobilizing the sky.”

Chief Strategy Officer at AT&T, John Stankey, in a press release on Sunday April 29th 2014

Telecom Provider AT&T is taking GoGo In-Flight Wi-Fi to Church.

On Sunday April 29th 2014, Telecom Provider AT&T announced that they’re going into the In-Flight Wireless Broadband Business with the intention to introduce 4G LTE (Long Term Evolution) to airline passengers as stated in “AT&T to take on Gogo with in-flight Wi-fi service”, published April 28, 2014 5:07 PM PDT by Donna Tam, CNET News and “AT&T lays out plan for gigabit Internet dominance, setting up Google Fiber showdown”, published April 21, 2014 3:20 PM by Anthony Domanico, Techhive.

The excerpt above says it all. GoGo, a name that makes me think of girls dancing on poles on a plane, Iron Man Style, is going to get some serious competition by the Third Quarter of 2015 from 4G LTE Wielding Telecom Provider AT&T.

Interestingly, Telecom Provider AT&T is partnering with Honeywell, who are already in partnership with Immarsat to provide In-Flight Satellite Broadband as reported back in April 2012 as stated in my blog article entitled “Honeywell partners with Immarsat for In-Flight Satellite Broadband in 2013AD - Konshens Gal a Bubble for Qualcomm Airplane Broadband”. 

=Possibly, they’ll be in a three-way partnership with Honeywell and Immarsat using unused 14 MHz Spectrum with tech provided by Qualcomm to provision Airplane Wi-Fi called Next Gen-AG as described in my blog article entitled “Qualcomm to create Airplane Wi-Fi named Next Gen-AG using 500MHz of unused 14GHz Spectrum - 300MBps in the Mile High Club”.

This as it’s not really 4G LTE that the passengers on board the airplane will be using. Rather, Telecom Provider AT&T will most likely install 4G LTE BTS (Base Transceiver Stations) and provision BBU (Base Band Units) at the Airport on these Cell Towers. Then, they’ll install 4G LTE-to-Wi-Fi Routers in the airplanes as well as in the Airport buildings to convert the 4G LTE Wireless Broadband signal to Wi-Fi. 

The Wi-Fi protocol they’ll most likely use is the 1 Gigabit capable IEEE 802.11ac Wi-Fi Protocol. The 4G LTE-to-Wi-Fi Routers will receive the 4G LTE signal and to handle the conversion of 4G LTE signal from their Cell Towers transmitted over the 14 GHz Spectrum to Wi-Fi, making it possible for airplanes in the air to receive Broadband Speed Internet on a plane

A process no different from my idea for the JUTC (Jamaica Urban Transit Company) to install MiFi Routers in their Buses to provide Wi-Fi and get the sex crazed unruly children to go home and stop loitering in Half-Way-Tree as stated in my blog article entitled “Unruly High School Students Making out and having sex in the JUTC Half-Way-Tree Transport Center - How wi-Fi in Buses can lead to Solar Power, LPG and the smarterCard Cashless system”.

Google Fiber vs AT&T U-Verse - AT&T offensive as Google sprouts 1 Gigabit IEEE 802.11ac Wi-Fi Protocol

Interestingly too, this isn’t the first time Telecom Provider AT&T is responding to a growing threat, as they’re also ramping up their offer of 1 Gbps Fiber Optic Internet to counter competition from Google Fiber as stated in “AT&T Eyes Major Gigabit Internet Expansion”, published APRIL 21, 2014 03:02PM EST BY STEPHANIE MLOT, PCMag.

AT&T U-Verse is being expanded to approximately 21 cities in the US of A as listed below:

1.      Atlanta
2.      Augusta
3.      Charlotte
4.      Chicago
5.      Cleveland
6.      Fort Lauderdale
7.      Fort Worth
8.      Greensboro
9.      Houston
10.  Jacksonville
11.  Kansas City
12.  Los Angeles
13.  Miami
14.  Nashville
15.  Oakland,
16.  Orlando
17.  San Antonio
18.  San Diego
19.  San Francisco
20.  San Jose
21.  St. Louis

Not really sure where half of these places are (I’m straight up like that!) but it you’re in the US of A reading this, then note I’m very jealous. Google Fiber apparently is the reason for this sudden push.

Since February 2014, 34 other cities in 9 States other than Kansas (I have no idea where that is….Missouri, maybe?) are already courting Google Fiber in their State and city as stated in “34 Cities Working to Land Google Fiber”, published FEBRUARY 19, 2014 03:43PM EST BY STEPHANIE MLOT, PcWorld and “Google Fiber bulks up with plans for 9 more regions”, published February 19, 2014 11:36 AM PST by Seth Rosenblatt, CNET News.

Google Fiber is also packing 1Gbps IEEE802.11ac Wi-Fi as stated in “Google may bestow Wi-Fi in its Google Fiber cities”, published April 24, 2014 6:57 PM PDT by Dara Kerr, CNET News. So no surprise as many Americans want Google Fiber in their cities. Wishing this was in Jamaica as well!

Jamaica’s Broadband Internet Plan – Playing catch-up but ahead with the latest Technology

Jamaica by comparison is slowly playing catch-up thanks to Telecom Provider Digicel and Telecom Provider LIME.

We just made the decision to go supersonic earlier on Thursday April 3rd, 2014 with the sale of 700 MHz Spectrum to Telecom Provider Digicel and AWS Spectrum to Telecom Provider LIME. This in a bid to provision 4G LTE Wireless Broadband in the next 18 months for Jamaicans to access High-Speed Internet as stated in my blog article entitled “LIME and Digicel have purchase AWS and 700 MHZ Spectrum for 4G LTE - Spectrum Purchase by the Number with Strings Attached as Ministry gets kitty donations from Local Telcos”.

 Telecom Provider Digicel is slowly switching over to 4G LTE with plans to increase the contribution of ICT (Information and Computer Technology) to their Profits by 25% via introducing various VAS (Value Added Services) powered by 4G LTE as stated in my blog article entitled “Digicel to invest US$85 million in 4G LTE Network - 25% of Total revenue from ICT as 4G LTE Investments designed to weather the coming Summer WhatsApp Storm”.

Telecom Provider LIME, on the other hand is using AWS Spectrum to provide 4G LTE and has the advantage of more bandwidth, suggesting that they may use if for LIME TV as predicted in my blog article entitled “LIME chooses AWS for 4G LTE – AWS  Link Budget difference reduces Shadowing as It’s all about Optimization and Human Nature”.

Mobile Money and Streaming TV coming - In-Flight 4G LTE and FTTH possibly by 2015-2017

There is the possibility that they may BOTH be dabbling with the idea of Mobile Money Services, based on reports that Telecom Provider Digicel has plans to do so as stated in “Digicel To Roll Out E-Money Service In Jamaica”, Published Wednesday April 23, 2014, The Jamaica Gleaner.

Telecom Provider Digicel is also dabbling with the idea of Streaming Television in the Caribbean, based on the recent acquisition of a small Cable Provider in Dominica in February 2014 that also has a Fiber Optic Network as stated in “Digicel Acquires Cable TV Operation”, Published Wednesday February 19, 2014, The Jamaica Gleaner.

Later on April 1st 2014 , General Manager, Digicel Turks and Caicos E Jay Saunders  announced that they’d purchased WIV Cable TV and TCT, operators of the Broadband Cable service TCExpress in Turks and Caicos as stated in “DIGICEL ACQUIRES WIV”, viewed Friday April 17th 2014, Turks and Caicos Sun and “Digicel acquires Turks and Caicos television station”, published Wednesday, April 09, 2014, The Jamaica Observer.

So it’s not so bad, as albeit we’re behind, we’re at least catching up via the use of the latest Technology. Most of what’s being installed is the Best Technology that Telecom Equipment Provider Ericsson or Telecom Equipment Provider Huawei have in stock to sell to the Telecom Providers.

It’s now just a matter of wait-and-see to see as to who will be given the contract to provide the Telecom Equiptment to Telecom Provider Digicel and Telecom Provider LIME as well as what plans they have for VAS.

Hopefully In-Flight 4G LTE and FTTH (Fiber to the House) may be in the mix by 2015-2017 as our economy improves and becomes affluent enough to afford these high-end services.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Google Glass launched early as a Product - Google pre-empting Samsung Galaxy Glass and Facebook's Oculus Rift replacing the smartphone in 2015 the Year of the Sheep

Google staffers are apparently unable to keep the Google Glass to themselves any longer. Google has now launched the product officially to the public on Thursday April 24th 2014 for a cool US$1500 a pair as reported in “Google Glass is up for Sale Again”, published April 24, 2014 10:49 AM PDT by Nick Statt, CNET News.

Google had had a one day sale a 2 weeks before on Thursday April 10th 2014 as reported in “Google Glass gearing up for Early sale”, published April 10, 2014 11:00 AM PDT by Seth Rosenblatt, CNET News. Apparently it was a hit, despite the geeky Borg-esque design, as everything quickly sold off as reported in “Google Glass sells out in one-day sale”, published April 16, 2014 6:03 AM PDT by Lance Whitney, CNET News.

This second sale on Thursday April 24th 2014 caught everyone by surprise, as no-one expected Google would follow up with a second sale, making Google Glass a normal product that anyone can purchase as stated in “Google Glass is now officially a normal, everyday product that anyone can buy”, published April 24, 2014 9:56 AM by Jon Phillips, TechHive.

Coincidentally Samsung has since filed a patent for their Samsung Galaxy Glass product on Thursday April 24th 2014  that sees it using a simple earpiece to keep it intact on the wearers head as stated inSamsung files patent for Google Glass rival: Will it run on Android or Tizen?”, published April 24, 10:59 AM By Joseph Mayton, Tech Times.

And like their Samsung Galaxy Gear Neo and Samsung Galaxy Gear 2 smartwatches as described in my blog article entitled “Samsung launches improved Samsung Galaxy Gear 2 and Samsung Galaxy Gear 2 Neo at MWC - Launch pad for Tizen OS and the Samsung Galaxy Glass coming at IFA 2014”, it may also be running Tizen OS.

Google Glass vs Galaxy Glass – Google trying to avoid Samsung stealing their Thunder to replace the smartphone

So apparently, either the demand for the product was so awesome that Google felt rather than wait till 2015 for the customer-friendly prĂȘt-a-porter designs made by Luxottica as described in my blog article entitled “Google Glass partners with Luxottica to design Google Glasses for 2015 Launch - Google Glass now on the Path to going Mainstream with US$199 Glasses” they’d instead launch early to the public.

Or……or…..it may be more than just awesome; it’s more really about pre-empting their arch-nemesis and potential sole largest competitor in Wearable Computing Technology, Samsung. Samsung is the current king of Wearables with a 61% Global marketshare according to Strategy Analytics as stated in my blog article entitled “Samsung Galaxy Gear is king of the 61% Strong Android hold on Smartwatches”.

If you remember, Samsung has plans to launch a Samsung Galaxy Glass product at the IFA 2014 in Germany on September 2014, as stated in my blog article entitled “Samsung Galaxy Glass going public in September at IFA 2014 - Google Glass way ahead having partnered with Optometrists to offer Glass with Glasses”.

Google, not wanting Samsung to steal their thunder, by launching to the public now is whetting the appetites of its followers for the finished product come 2015 which may be the first Glasses smartphone….assuming that Samsung doesn’t beat them first with a Samsung Galaxy Glass product running Tizen OS.

Google Glass has already caught the interest of Doctors at Beth Israel Hospital, who like the POV (Point of View) capabilities of Google Glass and its ability to access information on patients and surgical procedures via Voice commands. They are the first in the world to so use the Google Glass as part of their Surgical procedures.

The US Army like it too, having decided that Google Glass is worth modifying to provide tactical information to troops in the field as stated in my blog article entitled “US Air Force testing the use of Google Glass in Combat - Helping Professionals on the Front Lines of their respective fields”.

So even pre-2015 public launch, Google already has some solid Customer’s lined up! Hence their worry about competition from Samsung seems odd, given that the above-mentioned groups can give them solid contracts to mass-produce customized Google Glass for them.

Facebook and Oculus Rift – VR News the Dark Horse for Google in the Year of the Sheep

They may have more than Samsung to worry about: Facebook and Oculus Rift. Albeit late to the party, Big Blue might give them a run for their money with a similar product coming out by December 2014 as predicted in my blog article entitled “Facebook buys Oculus Rift for US$2 billion - Facebook Social Virtual Reality Future as Smartwatches and smartglasses herald the death of the smartphone in 2015” and my Geezam blog article entitled “Pew Research posits 3 in 10 get their News via Facebook as Paper set to go live

The premise is quite simple; Facebook, literally sitting on your Face as a pair of glasses synched to a Facebook OS smartwatch with LBS Features as predicted in my blog article entitled “Facebook launches Nearby Friends feature - WhatsApp VoIP and Oculus Rift VR Wearable Computing Takes flight as FB look towards the Future in the Year of the Horse” may be the real enemy.

This assumption made albeit NO such product as I’m predicting is yet to be announced by Big Blue. However, unlike Samsung, they would have enough content – their Social Network Facebook – to leverage that would make many adults want a matching pair of smartglasses and smartwatches, even if it was to get up-to-date News as stated in my blog article entitled “Facebook launches FB Newswire with Verified News from Storyful - Facebook's a bonafide Social Media Newspaper coming soon to a Oculus Rift Smartglasses near you”,

So is the Google Glass sale a pre-emptive strike against Samsung Galaxy Glass Product or Facebook’s Oculus Rift powered AR (Augmented Reality)/VR (Virtual Reality) Glass, neither of which exist yet but are STRONG possibilities by 2015? And is Google’s real enemy Facebook and not Samsung?

Stay tuned to my blog for more on this story as it develops! You can also check out the latest announcements on Google Glass on their Google Glass Google+ Page and Google Glass YouTube Channel.