Saturday, April 30, 2016

How Jared Wright's Kush Kandy is a neutraceutical that will make Sevy's Special Brownies legal

Well it was bound to happen sometime soon, so why not now?

I'm of course referring to entrepreneur Jared Wright plan to sell cannabis oil laced candy called Kush Kandy as reported in the article “Man quits UWI to sell ganja products”, published April 29, 2016 by Rosheika Grant, The Jamaica Star.

The 23-year-old dropped out of his final year of his Bachelor of Law degree at the University of the West Indies to expand on his business selling Kush Kandy. A Marijuana advocate since fifteen (15) he already has a Kush Kandy Facebook page and Kush Kandy Twitter page. So far he's got some impressive stats:

1.      JA$200 per bag
2.      Three (3) candies per bag
3.      18-25 age group are his main market

However, he's doing this as his market is expanding as even people up to age 65 like his stuff. It's gotten to the point that he can't handle school and Kush Candy anymore, quote: “Every time I had the decision to do something for Kush Kandy or to make something for school, it was always easy to choose Kush Kandy”.

But the big question on everybody's mind is quite obvious; is this even legal.

Jared Wright's Kush Kandy - Neutraceutical that can open up the specialness products floodgate

Well technically, he's in the clear.

This is because of the amendments to the Dangerous Drugs (Amendment) Act 2015 decriminalized the possession of 2 oz of Marijuana (Cannabis Sativa) as reported in my blog article entitled “Dangerous Drugs (Amendment) Act 2015 now an actionable Law - How Marijuana being Decriminalized only benefits Politicians”. 

So long as his product is below 2 oz of cannabis oil, it's legit. Also acute psychosis isn't possible as described by Dr. De La Haye, quote: “We have to be careful not to allow edibles such as candy because when it gets into your bloodstream, it can be problematic and cause conditions such as acute psychosis”.

FYI: psychosis is what happened to Sevy as described in Sevy's Secret Channel on YouTube.

So what does he have to fear?

Medicanja vs Kush Kandy – Neutraeutical kettle set to open specialness floodgates

His main problem is competition.

The only thing he'll probably need to do is to register his product as a neutraceutical. This as Jared Wright claims his product gives you a slight buzz without you getting high and has the following benefits:

1.      Soothes euphoria
2.      Eases pain
3.      Relieves stress
4.      Removes indigestion
5.      Soothes sore throat
6.      Improves circulation
7.      Builds the immune system

Effectively his product is challenging the pharmaceutical and neutraceutical industry that Dr. Henry Lowe's company Medicanja is pushing into by going IPO (Initial Public Offer) as reported in my blog article entitled “How Dr. Henry Lowe Medicanja's parent BTRDI launching IPO in 2015 as Hemp and Marijuana cure 84 ailments”. 

So being “illegal” because of a misinterpretation of the Dangerous Drugs (Amendment) Act 2015 is the least of his troubles as public opinion as well as UTECH and UWI professors already are pushing for legalization of marijuana altogether as reported in the article “Holness Government urged to be bold and legalise ganja”, published Tuesday, April 26, 2016 by Anika Richards, The Jamaica Observer.

He's really problem will be the competition from Dr. Henry Lowe's company Medicanja as they'll challenge his product possibly infringing on their copyright.

However, if Jared Wright wins, it'll open up Jamaica to the idea of cannabis-laced candy with “specialness” in them and challenge the rich people who are trying to make money from marijuana as argued in my blog article entitled “Dangerous Drugs (Amendment) Act 2015 now an actionable Law - How Marijuana being Decriminalized only benefits Politicians”. 

Excuse me dear reader, I think I have to check the kettle.....

Tel: 546-8804

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