if the Fermi Paradox as it relates to modified Great Filter Theory, also known
as the Gaian Bottleneck Hypothesis as detailed in my MICO Wars Blog article
entitled “How
the Gaian Bottleneck Hypothesis says Extinction assured for Exoplanets and Earth”
is true?
so, out space may be empty, littered with the skeletons of aliens and microbial
life that survived. So maybe we can change that via Panspermia; seeding the
galaxy with Human life on much the same way human life began on Earth.
Genesis Project aims to do just that as explained in the article “Genesis
Project Proposes Seeding Earth-Like Planets, Possibly Creating Alien Life”,
published September 12, 2016 by Curtis Silver, Forbes.
The idea, which was proposed in an essay in Astrophysics and Space Science in the theoretical physicist Claudius Gros of Goethe University Frankfurt in Germany, would involve probes piloted by AI (Artificial Intelligent) pilots loaded with microbes, plants, animal and human DNA.
how would this work?
Claudius Gros’ Genesis
Project – Terraforming Venus, Jupiter Moons and Mars
A.I. ship would be powered by Electric Propulsion combined with a ground based
laser similar to the one that Aerojet Rocketdyne is building for NASA as
described in my blog
article entitled “How
NASA and Aerojet Rocketdyne AEPS Laser Propulsion means Interstellar Travel in
AI piloted shop would travel at least 20% the speed of light. It would then be
initially programmed to visit those planets that we've deemed to be in the
habitable zone that are within a few light years but show no signs of active
stop, Proxima B orbiting Promixa Centauri, a Red Dwarf 4.243 light years from
Earth with a Planet that’s has the potential to be habitable.
we could start with our own planets, such as Mars and Venus, which may have had
life billions of years ago when the Sun was cooler.
assumption is based on the research of Michael Way from NASA’s Goddard
Institute for Space Studies and his colleagues in Geophysical Research Letters
as published in the article “Hellish
Venus Might Have Been Habitable for Billions of Years”, published August
10, 2016 By Shannon Hall, Scientific
can still go back there, if you have no problem living in an airship in the
upper atmosphere in Cloud Cities as explained in the article “Incredible
Technology: NASA's Wild Airship Idea for Cloud Cities on Venus”, published
April 20, 2015 By Mike Wall, Space.com.
the moons of Jupiter and Saturn may also make great places for human life to
flourish via this Genesis Hypothesis as they may have had life a long time ago
as per my blog
article entitled “University
of Sao Paulo Astronomers find HIP 11915 with Jupiter-like exoplanet – Earth 2.0
beckons in the Jovian Moons”.
Genesis Project - Plan
B for Earth 2.0
using cloning tech and advanced tech based on CRISPR-Cas9 research fund by the
Government of the Netherlands as detailed in my blog article
entitled “Netherland's
Plan to create Artificial Wombs, improve invitro-fertilization and eradicate
Genetic Diseases”, humans, plants and animals can be artificial grown
in-vitro inside of arterial wombs.
millions of years pass, these microbes, plants, animals and humans would evolve
to be us. Thus, when our time comes and the Earth and human life is no more
thanks to an ELE (Extinction Level Event), as per the Gaian Bottleneck
Hypothesis, we'd have populated the universe with our genetic progeny.
microbes, plants, animals and humans would have to be genetically engineered to
survive their new exoplanet homes. This would allow them to adapt to whatever
planet the AI decided to set up home base on.
also have to be taught by the AI about being Humans. The AI would also have to
make sure to terraform the plane to make sure the plants and animals can
survive, eventually evolving over billions of years into species different from
those on Earth.
after all, may be a conservation of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics as
Dr. Jeremy England, Physicist at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology),
as atoms naturally form compounds and more complex organisms as a more
efficient way to achieve Entropy.
be told, we have no choice, as a single Asteroid can make Human life go
extinct. So the Genesis Project may actually be Plan B for Earth 2.0.
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