If you own a Brita
Water Purification Pitcher, you’d realize that it’s really nothing more
than a Activated Charcoal Filter as I’d pointed out a long time ago in my blog article
entitled “Water
Sector Liberalization and the RainCatch Cloak - Activated Charcoal makes
Potable WaterWorld”. If you’ve ever happened to shake up the Brita Water Filter,
you’d notice that the Water coming out is black in colour, has a carbon-ish
taste (not my favourite!) and is filled with little fleck of white colour,
which is the crystalline Salts removed from the Water.
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So how do you replace the Activated Charcoal Filter? Believe me when I
say this will be my shortest blog article ever, as I believe its high time
people in Jamaica stop buying Bottle Water or worse, spending money replacing
those Brita Water Filters that you can refill yourself. Before I begin though,
please note that Filtered Water isn’t free of Bacteria, merely free of
dissolved mineral salts present in Potable Drinking Water from the Tap.
You may also notice that Water that’s completely free of minerals can
cause headaches; Water needs to have some dissolved salts in it, necessitating that
Filtered Water be used mainly for cooking and not kept solely for Drinking
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Thus a Brita
Water Purification Pitcher, which you can buy on Amazon or Ebay
(preferably), is only good for purifying that type of Water. If you want to
purify Dirty Water or Water from unknown sources, you need to use a Solar
Desalinator, instructions for its construction I’ve described in detail in my Geezam blog article entitled “How
to Make Distilled Water using a Solar Desalinator”. Then you can follow the
following DIY (Do It Yourself) Procedure as show in the Video below!
1. ½”
Drill Bit
2. 1/8”
Drill Bit
4. Assistant
who’s clearly sober and has steady hands
6. Bottle
of Distilled or Bottled Water
7. Brita
Water Filter
9. Electric
10. Old
11. Rubber
12. Wooden
The instructions are very simple, again the video being your guide:
1. Dry
out the Brita
Water Purification Pitcher and remove the Brita Water Filter
2. Spread
some old newspaper on the Wooden Table, making it your work area
3. Drill
a pre-drill hole using the Drill fitted with the 1/8” Drill Bit, using your
Assistant who’s clearly sober and has steady hands to hold the Brita Water Filter
4. Drill
the larger hole using the ½” Drill Bit and previous hole as your guide, using
your Assistant who’s clearly sober and has steady hands to hold the Brita Water
5. Empty
out the used Granular
Activated Charcoal
6. Use
the Bottle of Distilled or Bottled Water to rinse out the Brita Water Filter
7. Place
the Dry Plastic Funnel and carefully siphon the new Granular
Activated Charcoal you purchased on Amazon
or Ebay into the Brita Water Filter, tapping
the funnel and the Brita Water Filter to shake down any that has gotten stuck
8. Once
the Brita Water Filter is packed full, Cork the hole tightly with one of the
Corks from the Assorted
Collection of Wooden Cork, using the Rubber Mallet to tap it into place
9. Give
the Brita Water Filter filled with Granular
Activated Charcoal and the hole corked with one of the Corks from the Assorted
Collection of Wooden Cork one final shake.
10. Fit
the Brita Water Filter into the Brita
Water Purification Pitcher and run the Water through the Bottle of
Distilled or Bottled Water through the Filter to remove any Charcoal powder
that’s inside the Filter
11. When
the Water finally becomes clear, it’s ready for regular usage again
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Here’s where you can buy the Equiptment you need:
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