like there may be life out there in the Universe after all!
better, it doesn’t have to conform to the criteria as suggested by the ESI (Earth Similarity Index) as
laid out in my blog
article entitled “Dr.
Robert Wittenmyer Team discovers Gliese 832 c – Supersize my Exoplanet Please
with a Serving of Super-Venus”.
I am of course referring to the recent
discovery by a team of scientists led by Joachim Saur of the University of
Cologne in Germany that suggests that a vast ocean of Liquid Water lies below the
surface of Jupiter’s moon Ganymede as reported in the article “NASA’s
Hubble Observations Suggest Underground Ocean on Jupiter's Largest Moon”,
published March 12, 2015, NASA.
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The team of scientists led by Joachim Saur of the University of Cologne in Germany based their hypothesis about liquid water existing below the surface of Ganymede on early models of the moon or minor planet.
These models from the 1970's were supported by
NASA's Galileo mission, but the measurements weren't accurate enough to
determine if there was indeed a subterranean ocean on Ganymede.
Based on their readings, they determined that
Ganymede's ocean is 100 km (60 miles) and is buried under a 150 km (95 mile)
crust made mostly of ice.
With those dimensions, this makes Ganymede's underground
oceans, reminiscent of the underground water caverns in the Movie Dune, an
adaptation of Frank Herbert Dune series of books, more than ten (10) times
deeper that Earth's oceans.
So how exactly did they determine this based on
observations using the Hubble Telescope? With a little Rock and Roll!
Earth’s Aurora Borealis – How Aurora Borealis are formed compared
to Ganymede
What the team of scientists led by Joachim Saur
of the University of Cologne in Germany realized was that if a saltwater ocean
were present, then Lenz’s Law would apply.
That is
to say, the induction current created by the massive magnetic field of Jupiter would
create a magnetic field within Ganymede's ocean that would oppose the magnetic field
of Jupiter, being as Salt water is diamagnetic.
Coincidentally this is diamagnetism and the
resulting repulsion as explained by Lenz's Law is the basis behind the function
of Magnetic Induction Wireless Chargers
as explained in my Geezam blog article
entitled “Samsung
declares 2015 Year of Wireless Smartphone Charging becoming an Industry
The Aurora, similar to the Aurora Borealis
observer on the planet Earth! That Aurora Borealis Is due to charged particle following
the field lines that enter the Magnetic fields at the poles of Ganymede.
Similar to Earth, our North Pole is really a South Pole and the charged particles,
in following those field lines, are accelerated towards the Earth.
On bumping into the Earth's atmosphere, they
cause the electrons in the lower energy orbitals of the atoms of air molecules
to jump from the grounds state to an excited state. In falling back from their
excited state to the Ground state in their original orbitals, these air
molecules produce light, which we see on Earth in the North ere and Southern Hemispheres
as the Aurora Borealis.
That's the Aurora Borealis in a nutshell and is
the same mechanism by which they’re formed on Ganymede, the difference being
that the magnetic field of Jupiter, in fighting the opposing magnetic field of Ganymede,
causes the aurora that forms to rock back and forth in a predictable fashion.
Ganymede’s Underground Salty Ocean – How Lenz’s Law causes suppressed
Aurora from Diamagnetic Salt Water
The team of scientists led by Joachim Saur of
the University of Cologne in Germany realized that if a Salty Underground Ocean
exists on Ganymede, its magnetic field would more strongly oppose that of
Jupiter as theorized in the article “Jupiter's
moon Ganymede has vast underground ocean”, published March 12, 2015, 4:46
This would be visibly observed as a reduction
in the rocking in the altitude at which the Aurora forms on Ganymede.
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To quote Dr. Joachim Saur, that made them
realize that the Hubble Telescope could be used to observe this reduction in
the rocking of Ganymede's Aurora, quote: “I was always brainstorming how we
could use a telescope in other ways. Is there a way you could use a telescope
to look inside a planetary body? Then I thought, the aurorae! Because aurorae
are controlled by the magnetic field, if you observe the aurorae in an
appropriate way, you learn something about the magnetic field. If you know the
magnetic field, then you know something about the moon’s interior.”
And so they did, training the Hubble Space telescope
on Ganymede.
In the process, based on the models that they’d
calculated, they realize that Salty underground oceans must exist on Jupiter,
as the Rocking motion of the Aurora was reduced to 2 Degrees, which was
significantly less than the 6 Degrees if there was no underwater Salty ocean.
These observations are really compared against
a model; NASA would have to send probes to drill into the icy crust of Ganymede
to see if they could access the salty underground oceans as explained in the
article “NASA
confirms there's an ocean on Jupiter's moon Ganymede”, published March 12,
2015 12:48 pm By Sean O'Kane, The Verge.
Even more eerie, it may possibly encounter
larger multi-cellular creatures swimming in Ganymede’s ocean, such as fish and
whales, most likely adapted to live in complete darkness as in a fairly warm
ocean as noted in the article “One
of Saturn's moons might have warm enough water for life, research shows”,
published March 11, 2015 1:13 PM PDT by Michael Franco, CNET News.
These robotic probes would collect and analyze
samples of the water in search of microbial life and even possibly swim in this
underwater world, sending back pictures of what it encountered.
Life in Interstellar space?
Maybe, but our own backyard remains unexplored
and these recent findings suggest that life may not need ESI conditions to
exist. Liquid water, present in any form, suggesting an underground ocean
teeming with life and even underground inhabitants, similar to the Freman in
the Frank Herbert’s Dune, is Life.
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