My Thoughts on Technology and Jamaica: How to find work in Jamaica at Call Centers - A Brief Listing of Call Center Job Openings in New Kingston

Friday, June 10, 2016

How to find work in Jamaica at Call Centers - A Brief Listing of Call Center Job Openings in New Kingston

Folks and Call Center peps, I’ve got a story more interesting than Elephant Man Dressing as Captain America....or Captain Jamaica!

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I've now realized that I haven't done a blog article about the Call Center World for some time.

This is rather ironic, given the fact that I'm currently working at Advantage Communications as a CSA (Customer Service Agent) in the New Kingston area since May 2016. Advantage Communications is walking distance from the Community of Swallowfield, where I reside.

Call Centers in Jamaica are notoriously secretive, with knowledge of their location being passed on mainly via word-of-mouth through WhatsApp groups among students seeking employment. Still, like most of my fellow workers, I do not feel compelled to tell you which account I'm working on, for fear that it may create problems, as it is a local client.

Also, like everyone else here at Advantage Call Center, I'm back in the Call Center world due to an inability to find work in the Traditional 9 to 5 Private and Public Sector Job market and a desire to raise capital to fund the completion of my Diploma in Professional Studies at MICO College University.

I've no intention of remaining as a cubicle rat as I’m pressing ahead with my entrepreneurial drive as explained in my blog article entitled “How Millennials in Jamaica are becoming Entrepreneurs to avoid the Cubicle Rat Race”. So without further ado, here's a quick list of Call Centers that currently have openings:

Startek Application

Sutherland Global Application

ADV Communications
The Towers
25 Dominica Drive
Kingston 5

10-16 Grenada Way
Kingston 5

IBEX Call Center

HGS (Hinduja Global Solutions Limited)

Tel: 599-8869

Call Centers in New Kingston – Same job differing only by Hourly rate and perks

The first three (3) accept only electronic applications; Xerox, the fourth in the list, still accepts written application letters.

Salaries vary from as low as JA$190 per hour as in the case of Xerox, who are located in Digicel’s old building in New Kingston as described in my blog article entitled “How to find work in Jamaica at Call Centers - Xerox's Three New Call Centers in Kingston for 860 employees for Future Expansion”. 

It can also go as high as JA$370 per hour as in the case of Advantage Communications, also called ADV Communications as described in my blog article entitled “How to find work in Jamaica at Call Centers - ADV Communications Call Center in The Towers on Dominica Drive”.

You'll have to link with your respective WhatsApp group to know which offers the better rate and perks that make dealing with customers bearable.

Sharing is caring so share this information with as many of your college and university friends seeking employment.

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