Folks, it’s becoming clear to the Jamaican people
that both the Minister of Health Dr. Fenton Ferguson and Director, Emergency,
Disaster Management and Special Services, Dr Marion Bullock DuCasse are lying
about the true extent of the spread of the Chikungunya Virus as I’d pointed out
in my blog
article entitled “10
Cases of Chikungunya Virus in Jamaica – How a Hurricane coming December 2014
will accelerate its spread”.
JLP (Jamaica Labour Party) Opposition Spokesman on
Health Dr Kenneth Baugh is sounding the alarm of a potential hidden Chikungunya
Virus Epidemic as stated in the
article “JLP
insists Jamaica has a chikungunya epidemic”, published Wednesday, September
10, 2014 12:51 PM, The Jamaica
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concern echoes public opinion as stated in this letter to the Editor “ONLINE
READERS COMMENT: Bullock DuCasse may have misled us on chikungunya”,
published Monday, September 08, 2014 4:06 PM, The Jamaica Observer, as many are
now of the belief that I came to based on that blog article above.
true extent of the Chikungunya Virus spread is probably more like 200 infected,
as it can’t be that after only two months, we only have 24 confirmed cases of
the Chikungunya Virus as pointed out in my blog article entitled
Chikungunya Virus Cases - Ministry of Health PR Game as Mr. Baugh states
Chikungunya Viruses Cases underreported”.
CARPHA Stats on Chic-V
– We’ve not experience the full brunt of the Chikungunya Virus in the Caribbean
let me throw some stats onto the subject!
Chikungunya Virus is now in every Caribbean territory, with some 600,000 Cases
in the Caribbean and 9000 confirmed infected according to CARPHA (Caribbean
Public Health Agency) Executive Director Dr James Hospedales in the article “Caribbean
warned to brace for full impact of Chikungunya”, published Wednesday,
September 03, 2014 6:47 AM, The
Jamaica Observer.
to him, we’ve not really fully experienced the Chikungunya Virus at its
fullest, as it hasn’t infected all of 17 million people in the Caribbean, to
quote CARPHA Executive Director Dr James Hospedales: “I am saying because
everybody in this part of the world and there is no resistance to this virus
and we have an abundance of the vector and we have a lot of movement.
on his rant, quote: “In six months it has moved to all the islands and we can
expect further increases in levels of cases based on what has happened elsewhere
in the world where in some countries you find a 30 per cent attack rate of the
entire population within a year or so. So (adhere) to the message that all the
governments have been putting out to reduce the breeding of mosquitoes around
the home and very importantly for somebody who thinks they have
chikungunya…that they take measures to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes to
avoid spreading it to their families and neighbours”.
million for Vector control using Malathion Spraying that’s no longer being
visibly seen in action and a single Isolation Ward in case the Ebola Virus
decides to make a stopover in Jamaica as noted in my blog article
entitled “JA$12
million for Vector Control by Minister of Health - 50 Suspected Cases indicates
Panic, not Chikungunya, is spreading” isn’t going to prevent an epidemic!
Delano Seiveright and
the St. Thomas Cover-up – Long sleeved and DEET to be safe
(Jamaica Labour Party) Caretaker for St Thomas Eastern, Delano Seiveright
echoes concerns St. Thomas residents with symptoms of the Chikungunya Virus who
are being turned away by Health Care Workers. For the record, those Dengue-like
symptoms are:
1. Headache
2. High
3. Joint
pain (like Jaundice or Rheumatic Fever)
4. Muscle
5. Rash
(not very good, this one)
you’re feeling ill, you can use my cure for the Chikungunya Virus based on
common herbs and spices as detailed in my blog article
entitled “How
to fight Illness including Chikungunya Virus using Spices - US$40 Joseph Joseph
SpiceStore Carousel helps you organize”. If you’re not a believer in
Alternative Medicine, you have few options as not only is there's no cure but
you can’t take aspirin, ibuprofen or diclofenac for the arthritic pain.
long-sleeved clothing and rub on DEET as well as Citronella Oil are really your
only options at this point, as prevention is really better than cure. Your
choice folks!
for JLP (Jamaica Labour Party) Caretaker for St Thomas Eastern, Delano
Seiveright, albeit he’s no doctor, these persons should be put on observation
or being tested so as to be sure, suggesting that a PR Cover-up may be afoot as
I’ve concluded in my blog article entitled
Chikungunya Virus Cases - Ministry of Health PR Game as Mr. Baugh states Chikungunya
Viruses Cases underreported”.
a disease with such debilitating after-effects, you REALLY wanna be sure!
Tropical Storm Edouard
forms off Africa – From a Storm in a Teacup to a potential Hurricane
just as this storm in a teacup began brewing, Mother Nature saw it fit to give
birth to yet another member of the 2014 Atlantic Hurricane.
September 12th 2014 marks the date when Tropical Storm Edouard was
born as stated in the article “Tropical
Storm Edouard forms in Atlantic”, published Friday, September 12, 2014 8:12
AM, The Jamaica Observer.
to the list of names to be used for this year’s 2014 Hurricane Season, Tropical
Storm Edouard is number 5 as stated in my blog article entitled
Atlantic Hurricane Season looking Fairly Quiet - How Hurricanes are formed as
Hurricane making Landfall equals Disaster”.
it's not yet a Hurricane, they're usually crowned with a name once their wind
speeds reach above 39 mph. This is of greatest concern to Jamaica as although
this hurricane is off the Coast of Africa and may miss us as they usually do,
it'll be packing the rains and disturbed weather. That's DEFINATELY coming our
way, as it'll create enough atmospheric protuberances in the Caribbean to at
least drench us with several feet of Rain.
other words, more breeding grounds for the Aedes
aegypti mosquito, making it a little harder to deny that there is a
cover-up as this is basically a boost to this vector that usually carries
More signs of a
Cover-up - JA$10,000 to do a private test to determine if you have Chikungunya
you suspect that you have symptoms of the disease, and you decided to forgo the
free testing by the Public Health Care workers is going to a private facility,
you'll have to fork out JA$10,000 to pay for a private test, according to JLP
(Jamaica Labour Party) Opposition Spokesman on Health Dr Kenneth Baugh in the
article “Private
Patients Pay Thousands For Chik-V Test”, Published Friday September 12,
2014, The Jamaica Gleaner.
as there are anecdotal reports of persons from the St. Thomas area coming down
with symptoms of the Chikungunya Virus but being told by Public Health Care
workers that they're not ill with the disease, even though the symptoms match
as noted in this letter to the Editor “Chikungunya
cover-up?”, Published Wednesday September 10, 2014, The Jamaica Gleaner.
they're under instructions to rule out the possibility that the persons may be
suffering from another illness such as influenza and Dengue, albeit these are
EQUALLY serious illness that deserve treatment, to quote Minister of Health,
Dr. Fenton Ferguson during a Tuesday September 9th 2014 meeting at
the Ministry of Health: “At this time of year we traditionally see an increase
in cases of influenza and dengue and the symptoms are very similar to
chikungunya. It is important that doctors rule out these and other illnesses
with similar symptoms before concluding that a patient has chikungunya so that
we can have a true picture of the viruses that are circulating.”
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There is also growing concern, as expressed by the President
of the BITU (Bustamante Industrial Trade Union ), Senator Kavan Gayle, that
there may indeed be a cover-up, as very little in the way of PR (Public
Relations) is being done to educate persons about what to do to avoid getting
the Chikungunya Virus as stated in the article “BITU
calls for more action to combat Chikungunya”, published Monday, September
08, 2014 9:09 PM, The Jamaica
So with Hurricane Season Ramping up powered by the
excess Solar Radiation pouring through the Earth’s weakened Magnetic Field as
it gets cooler toward December 2014 as predicted in my blog article
entitled “ESA's
Swarm Says the Earth's Magnetic Field is Weakening - How Weakening Magnetic
Field results in hotter Summer Days and Hurricanes in Christmas 2014”, the Aedes aegypti Mosquito will now definitely multiply unchecked.
Especially as the Ministry of Health is more
concerned about countries where our Tourists come from getting scared and
advising travelers to avoid Jamaica due to a Chikungunya Virus Epidemic that
they’re trying to hide as noted in my blog article
entitled “Trinidad
PM Kamla Persad-Bissessar's CARICOM Meeting - Preventing Caribbean Chikungunya
Virus and Ebola Virus Epidemic by Christmas 2014”.
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