are not only a magnet for thieves but they also a security problem in
themselves, as they can be used to track you, the main reason I'm yet to buy a
smartphone as noted in my blog article
entitled “The
Reason why I don't like Smartphones - Location Privacy and How to disable
Location Services on Android and iOS”. And clearly, they're hard to make
secure from hackers despite their popularity.
for Developers, the REAL STEADY money is in developing Apps and Operating
Systems, mainly Mobile Operating Systems, for Enterprise and Corporate Clients.
This despite how lucrative Game Development may appear even based on my blog article
entitled “Netzoo's
2014 Global Games Market Report - Developed World idle time Opportunity for
Jamaicans in Video Gaming Design”.
put it mildly, any Mobile Computing maker i.e. smartphone or Tablet or even a
Developer of Mobile phone OS or Apps that wants to climb and pick money from
the Enterprise and Corporate Money Tree needs to have Enterprise and Corporate
Grade Security solid. That makes developing for Enterprise and Corporate
Clients the equivalent of a regular Salary as opposed to making a Video Game or
an App and praying that it becomes popular and downloads pick up.
of Apps and Hardware know this. They realize that's where the REAL money is
according to a Global Survey by Vision Mobile of some 10,000 developers across
over 130 nations as reported in the article “Enterprise
Mobile Apps Pay The Most Yet Attract Few Developers”, published 8/02/2014 @
5:59PM, Forbes:
1. 16%
of developers who are targeting Enterprise and Corporate customers
2. Enterprise
Developers earn over US$5000 per App per month
3. Enterprise
Developers and thrice as likely to earn US$25000 per App per month
For those wishing to question how
this survey was conducted, please feel free to download the article for free
from the link Developer
Economics Q3 2014: State of the Developer Nation.
Mobile’s 10,000 Developer Global Study – Everybody loves Android but Enterprise
makes more money
These stats from Vision Mobile make
for some interesting reading. First, it’s good to note that the study focuses
primarily on the Four (4) major Platforms that Developers usually target when
deciding to make an App:
1. Apple
2. Blackberry
3. Google
4. Windows
Second, the Study establishes the eight
(8) types of App Developers we have out there in the first place:
1. 23%
are Hunters
2. 24%
are Explorers
3. 16%
are Guns for Hire
4. 5%
are Gold Seekers
5. 8%
are Product Extenders
6. 8%
are Enterprise IT
7. 4%
are Digital Content Publishers
![]() |
it’s clears that the motivation for those involved in the App Economy is money
as I’d concluded a long time ago in a previous blog article entitled
set to launch smartphone in Fourth Quarter of 2012AD - The App Economy and the
Increasing Importance of Digical Content”.
personally upset that Digital Content Publishers only account for 4%, but with Oyster, Scribd
and now Amazon’s Kindle
Unlimited as descried my blog article
entitled “Amazon
launches US$9.99 Kindle Unlimited - Oyster and Scribd got served by Earth’s
Most Customer Centric Company but pay Indies Publishers better”, it’s sorta
pointless for a small team of Developers to make an App just deliver Videos,
Audio or even published works such as books.
67% of the Seasoned Developers
mainly target customers with 15% going after Enterprise customers. And as
expected, they’re really big on Android, with 74% targeting Google Android with
many Developers going on to develop Native Apps for Android.
![]() |
Not surprising as despite Apple
having more Web Traffic in the US of A during the period Tuesday July 1st
2014 to Monday July 28th 2014 according to Ad Network Chitika as noted in my blog article
entitled “Ad
Network Chitika says Apple iPhone has most Web Traffic - Despite smaller screen
Apples and Oranges makes Bittersweet Conclusions”, Google Android’s First
Quarter of 2014 Mobile Advertising Marketshare beats Apple iOS.
As such, my analysis, albeit
comparing Apple and Oranges, correlates well with the results of Vision Mobile’s
Global Survey; Apple iOS, for Developers, comes in at a close second at 64%.
Good to note here that Apple’s a lot more efficient at converting Mobile
Internet Browsers into buyers of Apps from their Apple iTunes Store as noted in
my blog article
entitled “Google
Android Top Dog in Mobile Ad Marketshare in First Quarter of 2014 – Apple iOS
STILL more efficient at Mobile Advertising powered by iTunes”.
Mobile on Programming Language – Java and Objective C come out on top
Yes, you read that right and the
stats don’t lie. The Programming Language preference, however, is dependent on
the Platform that the Developers favoured most of all. On the Google Android Platform,
an overwhelming 58% use Java, with a similar majority of 64% on Windows Phone
with a preference for C#. Apple Developers are in love with Objective C at 53%
while Blackberry 10 Developers appear to be fans of mostly C/C++.
Placed side by side, the Programming
Language preferences break down as shown on the graph below. This should give
you a clear picture, once and for all, what language to develop your App in,
albeit ultimately this is really up to you.
![]() |
The clear majority overall is Java,
being as Google Android smartphones are the dominant OS Globally as noted in my blog article
entitled “IDC
Stats for Second Quarter of 2014 points to Asian Smartphone Rise – How cheaper
smartphones are slowly killing BOTH Apple and Samsung marketshare”. As
such, the Apple iPhone would naturally come in second at 32%, based on the graph
However, when broken down by
Region, Android Global Dominance is clearly biased towards the Developing
World, with Developers in those regions favouring Android Smartphone as they’re
cheaper and more ubiquitous. The Graph below makes that Crystal clear.
![]() |
This includes countries such as:
1. Africa
and the Middle East
2. East
3. South
4. South
The Developers that live in the
Developed World Countries outside of the US of are the places where Apple iOS
has a strong mindshare and Marketshare, specifically:
1. Eastern
Europe, Russia and former CIS
2. North
3. Western
Europe and Israel
It thus becomes apparent from this
very simple analysis that although the World is Google Android’s Oyster.
However, when broken down by region, Developer Loyalty follows local Customer
buying Trends for smartphones, with a split if you will between the Developed
and Developing Worlds.
This in turn, determines the
Programming Language used by the Developers.
Mobile’s Developers – Apple iOS Developers make the most money
Again, that conclusion was obvious,
if you’d taken note of that last chart from the Vision Mobile Study that broke
the World down into regions. The Developers that lived in the Developed World
Regions are most likely, from a common-sense point of view, to have access to
Credit Cards or Prepaid Debit Cards and be more affluent i.e. have disposable
income to spend on Apps.
Interestingly, in those Regions,
Apple iOS is equally favoured or more in the case of Oceania as not only are
there more smartphones, but customer are more likely to spend more to buy Apps
as well as on In-App purchases.
Developers in those regions that I
marked as the Developing World, are again using Common sense, to not have ready
access to a Credit Card or Prepaid Debit Card Facility and more likely to be
less affluent i.e. little or no disposable income to spend on Apps.
Again, in those Regions, Google
Android is dominant as not only are there more smartphones, but customer are
more likely to own sub-US$299 budget smartphones made in China as noted in my blog article
entitled “IDC
Stats for Second Quarter of 2014 points to Asian Smartphone Rise – How cheaper
smartphones are slowly killing BOTH Apple and Samsung marketshare”.
Thus, they’re more likely to
download free Apps and even Apps associated with VoIP Calling. Developers in
these regions of the World, however, thanks to the popularity of are more
likely to make money from Advertising revenue as noted in my blog article
entitled “Google
Android Top Dog in Mobile Ad Marketshare in First Quarter of 2014 – Apple iOS
STILL more efficient at Mobile Advertising powered by iTunes”.
Then again, independent of the
Vision Mobile Study, my blog article
entitled “Ad
Network Chitika says Apple iPhone has most Web Traffic - Despite smaller screen
Apples and Oranges makes Bittersweet Conclusions” came to the same
conclusions. Although Google Android has a larger marketshare Globally, Apple
iOS makes more money for Developers as they’re more likely to spend money on
buying Apps and In-App purchases.
Developers and Apps -
Too much focus on Games and not enough on Enterprise Apps
the right Platform to Develop for is important as it boils down to what regions
you’re in as well as what Region you wish to market your Apps. From the Vision
Mobile Study Charts, it's clear that Developers on the Google Android Platform
are struggling to make money as Developers as customers don't spend money on Apps:
24% make nothing at all.
88% make less than US$10,000 per App per
9% make between US$10000 to US$100000
per App per month
2% have mobile Apps making over
US$100000 a month
only way to be successful in the App Economy is apparently to make games and
make them available on BOTH the Google
Play Store for Google Android and Apple
iTunes Store for the Apple iOS smartphones. Vietnamese Developer Dong Nguyen
Game Development Studio DotGears clearly demonstrates this as noted in my blog article
entitled “Flappy
Birds is No. 1 Free Game on Apple iTunes and No. 2 on Google Play Store -
Flappy Birds is Wonder Woman's Nemesis Ares Armour fuelled by Rage which only
Meditation avails”.
game Flappy Bird was clocking some US$50,000 per day JUST from In-Game
Advertising Revenue before he took it down due to the negative feedback from
the game as noted in my blog article entitled
Dong Nguyen takes down US$50000 a day Flappy Bird App - Unwanted Media Attention
leaves DotGears Game as the first In-App Advertising Gaming App”.
are CLEARLY many security concerns which have to be addressed before Developers
can even think of approaching Enterprise and Corporate clients. Not to mention
the fact that they have to get themselves more business-like i.e. properly
registered and appear professional, as many Enterprise and Corporate clients
like doing business with App Developers that are stable and long-terms in their
goals and not just in it to capitalize on this boom in smartphones and Tablets.
Games, the low hanging fruit, will continue to be the main source of income for
the Many Developers across the World, especially those Developers committed to
Google Android. For now, Enterprise and Corporate Customers remain an elusive
fruit that only a few can pick.
the link:
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